Headline: Lots of driving, not too much of a return.
Jamie and I headed out on a SPC Moderate risk day that we shouldn't
have gone on. The risk was in far western North Dakota. At the
2000Z outlook update, they dropped the risk to slight, which was
a good call on their part. We spent the entire day driving west
on I-94 through Fargo. At about Jamestown, we dropped south into
South Dakota and headed west. We forgot that there are very few
places to cross the river, and ended up crossing it in Pierre.
We got a couple radar shots(1)
(2), and
also talked to Bob Conzemius for some direction. There wasn't
much happening. Some semi-severe storms we moving into South Dakota
from Nebraska, but not much happened. We got a few pictures and
some video, but it was getting dark. We got headed back, and decided
to stay in Chamberlain, SD for the night.
Miles: A lot.